XBRL Composer Project Documentation

2 April, 2004


The XBRL composer is a Java library that facilitates efficient compilation of a discoverable taxonomy set (DTS) as defined in the XBRL 2.1 specification. These objects can be serialized as XML documents and saved to files. Such files can also be loaded directly as a Java DTS object.

Note that this project has spawned another open source project, XBRLAPI, that goes beyond the compilation of an XBRL DTS to define and implement a comprehensive XBRL API in Java.

Table of Contents

Java documentation
Setting up to use the XBRL composer
Command line usage
Using the static entity resolver

The discoverable taxonomy set is formed by XLink processing the documents that together comprise a DTS.

The XBRL composer software extends on the DTS defined in the XBRL specification by permitting the document set to include XBRL instances as well as taxonomy schemas and linkbases.

The javadoc documentation of the classes comprising the XBRL Composer software is also available.

You will require a Java runtime environment to use the XBRL composer classes. The classes have been tested on the Sun 1.4.2 JRE.

You will also require the Xerces and Xalan libraries, available from the Apache website


To get a basic working installation in place on a MS Windows system, do the following:

  • Obtain and install the JRE software from Sun which can be downloaded from the Sun Java website.
  • Download the Xerces JAR files from the Apache website. and place them in the {ROOT}\{JAVA}\lib\ext directory. The required JAR files are xercesImpl.jar and xml-apis.jar and xmlParserAPIs.jar. The {JAVA} directory is the root of the directory structure created by installing the Java Runtime environment.
  • Download the Xalan JAR files from the Apache website. and place them in the {ROOT}\{JAVA}\lib\ext directory. The required files are xalan.jar and xsltc.jar and bsf.jar.
  • Place the xbrl composer JAR file, xbrlcomposer-YYYYMMDD.jar in the {ROOT}\{JAVA}\lib\ext directory.
  • Create a directory to store the taxonomy cache in so that the XBRL composer software can cache documents for offline usage. A large tree structure of taxonomy and instance documents can build up under this cache root directory over time. Call this directory the CACHEROOT directory.

At this stage you are prepared to use the XBRL composer software either using a command line approach or using the various API's exposed by the XBRL composer classes.

The XBRL composer provides a variety of functionality via the commandline interface. Some of these are memory intensive enough to require significant amounts of memory to be available. For this reason, it can be prudent run the Java runtime engine with additional memory. This involves using the following java command:

java -Xmx1g net.sourceforge.xbrlcomposer.DTS [parameters] [URLS]

where the 1 in the Xmx1g argument can take any integer value.

The [URL]s in the command line is any set of URLs of XML documents including taxonomy schemas, XBRL linkbases and XBRL instances. These documents can be based on either the XBRL 2.0 or the XBRL 2.1 specification (or both although that is not really a great idea most of the time).

It is also possible to specify the starting point URL's using the file protocol instead of the http protocol so that you can avoid the need to have a web server serving up documents on the local file system. Better yet, you can specify the full path and file name of starting point documents in the local file system or the name and the path of the starting point documents relative to the directory from which the command line is being executed.

The commandline usage of the DTS class can take any of the following parameters:

if you want to use the static entity resolution class instead of the dynamic entity resolution class, then you will need to have an XML file defining the mappings from the original URL's to the URL's that resolve to documents in the local cache.

This map has the following structure:


An example of a DTS created using the DTS class is available in a compressed (ZIPPED) format.